Reports & Media

[Report] Innovation and Rapidly Growing Small Firms

Dr. JS KIM 2015. 3. 25. 17:26




John  Rigby,  Kathryn  Morrison, Mercedes  Bleda,  and  Jong-Seok  Kim (2007)  Are  Gazelles  Leaping Ahead?  Innovation  and  Rapidly  Growing  Small  Firms Mini  study  01  of  Global  Review  of  Innovation Intelligence and Policy Studies, European Commission.



This report was a part of the INNO-GRIPS project for the European Union. This project dealt with emerging topics and research results in innovation management and policy studies. The mini-study on gazelles served as input for an INNO-Views workshop which took place in April 2007. This mini-study set the scene for the first part of the workshop, which focused on the role and importance of gazelles for innovation and competitiveness and the question of how to stimulate their development further. And, thinking from this project led to the publication of innovation policy challenges for the 21st Century (Cox, D. and J. Riby eds.(2013)) by Routledge.



Manchester Business School website-INNOGRIPS project


EU website-INNOGRIPS project